Property Based Improvement District (PBID)
A tool to shape the future of Downtown Long Beach
The Property Based Improvement District (PBID) is a tool for commercial and residential property owners to collectively fund services, activities and programs above and beyond what is typically provided by the City of Long Beach. The PBID transforms assessments into enhanced services described in a Management Plan to create a cleaner, safer and more vibrant Downtown Long Beach. This includes pressure washing, clean teams, safety ambassadors, homeless outreach, beautification programs, economic development, marketing, and special events.
The PBID was first established by Downtown property owners in 1998. Property owners agreed to extend services twice: in 2003 and again in 2012 for another ten-year term which ends on December 31, 2022. For the past 25 years, the PBID has been effectively managed by the Downtown Long Beach Alliance (DLBA), a 501(c)6 non-profit organization founded in 1937.
The proposed PBID Management Plan was informed and shaped by an extensive strategic planning process undertaken during the first half of 2021. With input gained from interviews, roundtable discussions, leadership meetings and an online survey from more than 500 downtown stakeholders, and developed under the guidance of a 35-member steering committee and the DLBA Board, the strategic plan explored how the PBID could help Downtown Long Beach recover from the COVID-19 pandemic in the near term, and respond to anticipated trends that will shape downtown in the longer term.
Based on stakeholder feedback, five guiding principles were established for the new strategic plan and ultimately, for continuation of PBID services:

Clean and safe is fundamental

Strengthen existing businesses, encourage entrepreneurship & innovation

Promote Downtown and its unique neighborhoods

Showcase Downtown’s beauty, creativity and sense of place

Be a leading voice for Downtown
The proposed Management Plan, which includes proposed service additions and enhancements as well as boundary expansion, embodies these goals.
On July 19, 2022, after a City Council hearing and tabulation of ballots from commercial and residential property owners, the Downtown PBID was formally renewed. Per the Management Plan, the proposed program and services including expanded boundaries are set to begin on January 1, 2023 and run for another ten-year term.
What is the renewal process?
There are two main phases in the PBID renewal process:

Petition Phase (COMPLETED). Commercial and residential property owners were mailed a petition and the PBID Management Plan summary outlining the boundaries, services and costs of the proposed district. During this period, which began in February 2022 and ran through April 15, petition signatures were collected to put the PBID to a property owner ballot vote. A majority of signed petitions in favor of the PBID were required to put the PBID on the ballot weighted based on property assessments. The signed petition goal in favor of proceeding to a ballot vote (50% + 1) was exceeded.

Ballot Phase (COMPLETED). In May, Long Beach City Council approved a resolution of intent for a PBID Public Hearing and Ballot Tabulation date on July 19. The city mailed an “Official Assessment Ballot” to all Downtown property owners with instructions and expected first year assessments. Commercial and residential property owners were asked to return a signed ballot back to the city clerk before the hearing. After the public hearing and tabulation of property owner votes, weighted based on assessments, City Council certified the district which renews on January 1, 2023.
Where are we in the process?
Download the Management Plan
Text here

On July 19, 2022, Long Beach City Council formally renewed the PBID after a public hearing and counting of ballots from Downtown property owners who voted YES to continue the district’s programs and services through 2032. The new district and assessments go into effect on January 1, 2023.
What are the proposed PBID Services?
The proposed PBID will finance improvements and activities that will enhance the Downtown environment and experience for all Downtown stakeholders, including property owners, businesses, residents, employees, and visitors.
Clean and Safe (enhanced services)
Trash and debris removal
Graffiti & sticker abatement
Cleaning of street fixtures
Weeding and light landscaping
Spot cleaning
Safety Ambassadors
Nuisance calls
Safety escorts within the district
Vehicle jumpstarts
Tree Trimming
Visitor and tourist services
Pressure washing in the Standard Zone moves from once every six weeks to once every four weeks and continues weekly in the Premium Zone.
Homeless Outreach adds an experienced caseworker to provide more robust assistance to unhoused individuals in the District, collaborating with social service agencies, non-profits and City departments to address their needs and connect individuals to services and housing.
Economic Development services strengthen existing businesses and support entrepreneurship and innovation in Downtown, including creation of a Business Navigator role to help in several areas: filling vacant storefronts, assisting with City permit processes, marketing Downtown to the broader leasing community, and helping property owners understand the evolving office and retail markets.
Place Management projects and initiatives are used to make Downtown more visually attractive, enhance the sense of place, and celebrate the unique culture of Long Beach. Such activities can include, but are not limited to, activating outdoor spaces, planting trees, signage, festive lighting, wayfinding and public art.
Marketing & Special Events promote Downtown as a whole and as a unique collection of neighborhoods, generate visitors and customers to support Downtown businesses, highlight and celebrate the diversity of Long Beach, and build awareness of DLBA programs and services.

Measurable Results
What Impact Does PBID Have in Downtown?
Below are several categories that represent approximate average numbers in a year
sq ft. of pressure washing
pounds of trash collected
business assistance
graffiti/stickers removed
visitor and resident assistance
business and community grants
DLBA generated $317,000 of earned media coverage promoting businesses and neighborhoods in Downtown. (Ad equivalency)
What are Proposed District Boundaries and Benefit Zones?
For the proposed PBID renewal, the district encompasses the core of Downtown Long Beach, including approximately 70 blocks that are bounded approximately by Shoreline Drive to the south, Golden Shore to the west, and Alamitos Avenue to the east. The northern boundary is 3rd Street along the western part of the district, 8th Street in the central part and 4th Street along the eastern part. The district is being expanded to the north along the Pacific Avenue corridor to 8th Street, and to include the Convention Center building and major walkways. Based on feedback, the proposed PBID also includes a change from Standard to Premium zone for the area north of 6th Street and south of 8th Street, and between Pacific Ave and Long Beach Blvd.
The map below on the left shows the expanded service areas in the proposed PBID. The current PBID is displayed on the right.

“The PBID provides a significant return on investment. It enhances our efforts to keep sidewalks next to our property clean and safe, attracts businesses to fill vacant spaces, and brings people from across the region to discover and enjoy Downtown.”
“Even as the pandemic hit, DLBA clean and safe teams showed up every day to support businesses, properties and residents during a very difficult time. It was also great to see DLBA leading efforts to provide much-needed economic lifelines to help businesses and independent contractors survive.”
“Renewing the PBID is a “no-brainer” for any residential property owner within the boundary. For about $90 a year on my 960 sq. ft. condo property tax bill, I will get clean sidewalks, graffiti and sticker removal, and safer streets. Plus the PBID provides critical support for the Taste of Downtown, Buskerfest, Fireworks shows, and many other downtown activities. Downtown wouldn’t be the same without the PBID.”
“As a resident, I see the positive impact every day of the numerous programs and services initiated by DLBA that make our Downtown cleaner and safer.”
“I can’t imagine Downtown without PBID services – especially after the last two years of this pandemic. Litter-ridden streets, fewer eyes ensuring our safety, and a dramatic reduction in the promotion and development of neighborhoods like the East Village.”
DLBA Board of Directors
Graham Gill,
Lee & Associates
Michael Gold,
Long Beach Transit
Michael Vitug,
Intertrend Communications
Sheva Hosseinzadeh,
Coldwell Banker Commercial
Sam Pierzina,
Ensemble Investments
Bob Kelton,
Residential Representative
Cheryl Roberts,
SITE Centers
Rhonda Love,
Dreamkreator Studio
Laurie Gray,
The Pie Bar
Alan Pullman,
Studio One Eleven
Debra Fixen,
Shoreline Village
Alan Burks,
Environ Architecture
Denise Carter,
Allison Kripp,
The Den Salon
Isidro Panuco,
Sean Rawson,
Waterford Property Company
Eric Lopez,
City of Long Beach
Loara Cadavona,
Chair, Residential Representative
Pat Welch,
Residential Representative
Cameron Andrews,
Pier Communications
Scott Apel,
Cal State University Long Beach
Amy Chambers,
Monica Garrett,
Margaux Agency
Jeremy Harris,
Long Beach Area Chamber of Commerce
Griselda Suarez,
Arts Council for Long Beach
Mary Zendejas,
Councilmember CD1
Cindy Allen,
Honorary (Non-Voting)
Diane Arnold,
Don Darnauer,
PBID Renewal Steering Committee
Loara Cadavona,
Denise Carter,
Sheva Hosseinzadeh,
Coldwell Banker Commercial Blair WESTMAC
Sam Pierzina,
Ensemble Real Estate Investments
Debra Fixen,
Shoreline Village
Eric Lopez,
City of Long Beach
Alan Pullman,
Studio One Eleven/RDC
Allison Kripp,
Den Salon
Alan Burks,
Environ Architecture
Ryan Altoon,
Sean Rawson,
Waterford Properties
Wade Guang,
InterTrend Communications
Jeffrey Forney,
Cheryl Roberts,
SITE Centers
Peter Johnson,
Bob Kelton,
Contact us
If you’d like to endorse the proposed PBID, ask a question, or find out how to get involved, please use the following form.