We’ve said that being an effective politician isn’t easy because it’s a mixture of wearing many hats: appealing to constituents while also challenging them to be better, being a leader while also being a great listener… Former Vice Mayor Suja Lowenthal excelled at this, despite whether you agreed entirely with her policies or not—which is what makes the shoes being filled by newly elected Councilmember Jeannine Pearce even bigger than they appear.
With challenges ahead, we warmly welcome you, Councilmember Pearce.
Councilmember Pearce has tapped Devin Cotter to assume duties as her chief of staff. Cotter is most known for working on the mayoral campaign of Mayor Robert Garcia in 2014, as well as on the Measure A and Measure B campaigns, which decisively passed this last election day.
“It is important to me that my office is ready to serve the people of the 2nd District as soon as I am sworn in. Cotter has worked closely with diverse leaders in the district’s business community, labor unions, and residents. His experience in the city and with developing sound public policy is critical to the success of our district as we transition to a new council for the first time in a decade… Having worked with Devin on multiple campaigns, on the Mayor’s Transition Team, and to strengthen our city’s Boards and Commissions, I am confident and excited about partnering to empower our district,” said Pearce told the press upon announcing Cotter’s assignment.
With Cotter leading her office, Councilmember Pearce has created a Transition Team that includes our very own COO Broc Coward and myself, an honor and something I take seriously because the 2nd isn’t just a district I’m interested in; it’s a place I’m deeply invested in.
Our jobs will not be easy.
The purpose of this transition team is to support the 2nd District in reaching the many goals set out during Councilmember Pearce’s campaign and to engage residents and business leaders that can help plug in the areas where there is already work being done. On top of all this, we are working to identify new steps to achieve the many goals but specifically focus on four huge issues: homelessness, parking, the local economy, and equity.
Councilmember Pearce’s life has largely been dedicated to social justice issues and those passions she is hoping to extend into tangible results over the next four years. Our job? Support her, question her, offer solutions, and help the 2nd District continue moving forward in the spirit of progress.