
Continuing its lineup after the inaugural Molina Entrepreneurship Series on September 22, this four-part forum sponsored by Molina Healthcare, DLBA, The College of Business Administration at California State University Long Beach (CSULB), and The Innovation Team (i-Team) will continue once again on October 27 focusing on innovation.

Pivoting Your Business Successfully will explore innovation through the lens of a company—after all, every company has to innovate in order to stay alive. But the more pertinent question is how to survive as a company while maintaining innovative progress. Is innovation a startup’s domain only? And is acquiring new businesses the only way for well-established companies to stay at the forefront of their industries? Or is there a different way?

These are the questions that could be answered at this free seminar.

Pivoting Your Business Successfully , taking place from 6:30PM to 8:30PM on Thursday, October 27 at the Molina Meeker Baker Building in DTLB, will feature two speakers:

  • John C. Molina, CFO of Molina Healthcare
  • Paula Campbell, Vice President Business Operations, Edison Energy LLC


  • 6:30PM-6:55PM Networking and Refreshments
  • 7:00PM-7:05PM Welcoming and Introductions
  • 7:05PM-7:45PM Keynote Speakers
  • 7:45PM-8:15PM Q&A
  • 8:15PM-8:30PM Networkinh

For more information, click here.