
E-Scooters, which have now joined BikeShare as permanent parts of Long Beach’s Micro-Mobility Program, are wildly popular; In the first seven months of 2021, Long Beach riders logged almost 8 million minutes on E-Scooters. Besides being a clean, quick way to get from here to there, the multi-colored E-Scooters with head and tail lights evoke child-like sensations — but this doesn’t mean people should ride or park them in a childish way, issues which have been the source of frustration for Downtown residents and businesses.  

E-Scooter users must conform to various traffic rules, just as bicyclists do, to protect themselves, pedestrians, cyclists, and motorists. “For E-Scooter riders who are in violation of a traffic rule, Bike Detail officers are first educating these riders with informational flyers,” said Richard Mejia, Public Information Officer for the Long Beach Police Department. ”In obviously egregious or dangerous violations, riders are cited for the violation.”

The Downtown Long Beach Alliance (DLBA) Clean and Safe teams supported City-wide efforts to proactively educate scooter riders about basic rules of the road by handing out messaging cards and placing A-Frame instruction boards in key Downtown locations.  

E-Scooter traffic laws outlined in the California Vehicle Code (CVC) are very similar to bicycle laws. With both, riding on sidewalks is strictly forbidden, and scooterists will receive the same penalty as a cyclist would; An E-Scooter zipping along at 15 miles an hour the wrong way on a sidewalk is a dangerous thing. A key difference in laws for bikes and scooters is that one must be 18 or older to ride an E-Scooter, and must possess a California Driver’s License.  

You may have seen people riding tandem on an E-Scooter: That’s a no-no, mandated by the CVC.  

Helmet wearing, though encouraged, is not required for E-Scooter riders. 

It’s easy to just park an E-Scooter anywhere it feels convenient, but, according to the CVC, riders must park their vehicles in a way that won’t block pedestrian and wheelchair access. 

To address E-Scooter parking issues, the public can contact the four Long Beach E-Scooter vendors directly: 

  • Bird: hello@bird.co 1-866-205-2442 
  • Lime: support@li.me 1-888-LIME-345 
  • Razor: sharesupport@razorusa.com 1-833-LAST-MILE 
  • VeoRide: LBC@veoride.com 1-855-836-2256 

In addition, the public may report E-Scooter vendor deployment issues to the City’s Transportation Mobility Bureau:

411 W. Ocean Blvd, 4th Floor, Long Beach, CA 90802

“The City is planning to provide additional mechanisms in the near future for the public to report E-Scooter violations,” said Fern Nueno, Mobility Programs Officer for the Long Beach Public Works Department.

The basic rule of thumb for E-Scooters is this: Remember that you are operating a motor vehicle. Ride safely, within the legal framework provided by the CVC, and help assure that E-Scooters will continue to be an exciting way to get around Downtown Long Beach and beyond.