We know you’ve been eagerly anticipating the biggest day of the year, right? Yes, Pi Day is upon us once again and DTLB is ready to celebrate. That’s right March 14, as in 3/14, otherwise known as 3.14 is a celebration of all things math, pi, and pie.
In the spirit of the season, DTLB fave, The Pie Bar is hosting the first annual Pie in the Face Auction to raise thousands of dollars for local charities. Participants will bid on silent auction to throw a pie in a local community leader’s face (including DLBA’s very own, Kraig Kojian), and the highest bidders will launch their pies at exactly 3:14 p.m.
“Giving back to our community is just one way we can thank our customers for their loyalty and support the important groups that make Long Beach such a great place to live,” said Laurie Gray, owner and founder of The Pie Bar. “And Pi Day is the perfect day to eat—and throw—a pie!”
The event is free to attend, and silent auction bids for the chance to throw a pie at a community leader will be taken starting March 8 through Pi Day on March 14. Eager pie-throwers can sign up for a silent bid at The Pie Bar all week, including the day of the event. Those with the highest bids at 3:14 p.m. on 3/14 will be the lucky pie throwers. Silent bids start at $100, and the event will take place at The Pie Bar.
The community leaders and local business owners who are auctioning themselves off to end up with pie on their faces include:
- Kraig Kojian, President/CEO of Downtown Long Beach Alliance
- Gio Ferraro, founder/owner of Groundwork Fitness
- Cory Allen and Mia Farrow, Emperor and Empress of the Long Beach Imperial Court
- Dina Amadril, founder/owner of Long Beach Creamery
- Heather Kern, General Manager of MADE by Millworks
- Danielle Alura, former Ms. California
- Laurie Gray, founder/owner of The Pie Bar.
Local charities who will receive the donations include Beacon For Him, Children Today, Family Promise, Precious Lamb Preschool and The LGBTQ Center of Long Beach.