Bike Fest is, by all accounts, the ultimate event dedicated to the two-wheeled contraptions that this city has grown to love. It’s been home to the first Wolfpack Hustle Crit to be set in Long Beach. It’s been a place for fixie competitions. It’s been an event that has connected what would have otherwise been disparate groups of bicyclists. And that is not us bragging more than something we respect deeply; as we advocate for a higher standard of living, including the promotion of healthier and greener forms of transportation, putting on events for those who help us achieve those goals become essential.
Bike Fest is part of that tradition of bringing together the community to foster a stronger community—which is precisely why we felt obligated to include a mini version of the event for our programming of Beach Streets Downtown by partnering with LBcycology.
From decorations for your bike—we’re talkin’ everything from feathers to reflective tape—to a jewelry station—yup, make your own bike-friendly jewelry—we got you covered. We even got virtual bike rides courtesy of Zwift. Hop on a stationary bike and compete virtually up hills and down mountains with other bicyclists.
“Bike Fest has this history behind it that makes anyone in the biking community feel honored to be a part of,” said Charlie Hockett, representative for LBcycology. “With this event, we want to allow all kinds of bicyclists to stop by. Hardcore daily rider? We have something for you. Never put a bike on a bus before? We got you covered.”
Speaking of putting bikes on buses, Long Beach Transit will be hand to provide lessons on the ease of properly attaching your bike to a bus—no more excuses for being unable to get around!—while CycleHop, curator of Long Beach’s bike share program, will be on hand to discuss membership opportunities.
Additionally, free live music will be offered thanks to this lineup:
10:30-12:00: Taylor Crawford
12:30-2:30: Nothing but Flowers
3:00-5:00: DJ Just Pudge
Note for those with the inner funk in their soul, DJ Just Pudge will be sticking to the best of funk’n’soul for the entirety of his set.
The event takes place on 1st between Linden and Elm Avenues on the day of Beach Streets, Saturday, March 19.