Woman-Owned Business Accelerator Grant
The Downtown Long Beach Alliance’s (DLBA) Woman-Owned Business Accelerator, in partnership with the Institute for Innovation & Entrepreneurship at California State University Long Beach and Fuller Management Corporation, and powered by Farmers & Merchants Bank is designed to assist existing women-owned businesses in Downtown Long Beach. The WOBA program provides targeted business assistance and grant funds to support costs associated with recruiting, retaining, or expanding – creating more jobs in Downtown Long Beach.
- Must be located or willing to locate within the DLBA’s Downtown Business & Parking Improvement Area (DPBIA)
- Must be a for-profit or not-for-profit business
- Must have an active Downtown Long Beach business license or in the process of obtaining a business license located within the DPBIA boundaries
- Must have less than 24 employees
- Must be a woman-owned business or majority woman-owned business
- Up to five winners with a total award amount of $10,000
Contact Austin Metoyer, DLBA Economic Development & Policy Manager with questions at (562) 522-0523.

The program will award up to five women-owned businesses, not to exceed $10,000 in total award money. In addition, customized, one-on-one business development support should not exceed five (5) months.
Selected winners will be required to participate in a workshop series provided by California State University, Long Beach’s Institute for Innovation and Entrepreneurship, covering but not limited to the following topics:
- Social Media Advertising;
- Financial Statement Analysis & Decision-Making;
- Human Resource Management;
- Financial management tools.