
Live Q&A: All About Marketing Your Small Business

Long Beach, CA, United States

Join the Long Beach SBDC for our Live Marketing Q&A addressing questions on how to effectively market and grow your business. SBDC advisor and Business Growth Strategist David Mitroff Ph.D. and Brad Pollak, Director of the Long Beach SBDC, will interact live with the audience via Zoom and answer questions covering a broad range of...


1 Million Cups

Long Beach, CA, United States

Founded by the Kauffman Foundation, 1 Million Cups is based on the notion that entrepreneurs network and discover solutions over a million cups of coffee. The free, monthly gathering helps...


Faith in Justice: CCEJ’s 30th Annual Interfaith Intercultural Breakfast

Long Beach, CA, United States

The California Conference for Equality and Justice (CCEJ) will host a virtual gathering for guests representing diverse communities of business, academia, government, community and faith-based organizations to welcome distinguished speaker...
