The Garage Theatre proudly kicks off their 24th season with the World Premiere of Hat Box, a dark comedy written and directed by Lola Binks. What happens when boredom turns...
Paella lovers rejoice! Patrons can enjoy half off all of Sevilla's Spanish paellas every Sunday. Cafe Sevilla offers six different varieties of paella that are cooked in the traditional...
This in-person event is a celebration of all things women, where we come together to inspire, empower, and uplift each other. An event BY women FOR women.
Building Relationships. One Cup at a Time. Join your neighbors and police officers for coffee and conversation. The Mission of Coffee with a Cop is to break down the barriers...
Click here for more info Networking Session From 6 – 7:30 PM Meet with your peers, hear their stories, meet potential partners, and grow your community at the networking session...