Retail Market in DTLB, Today and Beyond

Retail Market in DTLB, Today and Beyond

Based on the current state of the retail market in Downtown Long Beach, when will it fully recover from the pandemic?   That is the question. According to the latest DLBA quarterly Snapshot Report (3Q 2021), many signals of a Downtown retail market recovery are...
Halloween in Downtown Long Beach

Halloween in Downtown Long Beach

Halloween is almost upon us, and Downtown streets will soon be filled with ghosts, goblins, and ghoulies who are rarin’ to go after being denied a proper Halloween last year, due to the pandemic. While the pandemic has impacted several events, here are a few...
Closing “The Loop”

Closing “The Loop”

The southeast corner at the intersection of Pine Avenue and Ocean Boulevard is a prime piece of Downtown Long Beach real estate, connecting the waterfront with the heart of the City, yet it was vacant and boarded up for 30 years. The Downtown Long Beach Alliance...
Committee Member Profile: Ashleigh Stone

Committee Member Profile: Ashleigh Stone

Meet local attorney Ashleigh Stone, a returning member of the DLBA Economic Development Committee. Stone, who started her own law firm in Downtown six years ago, is looking forward to using her Committee position to be an advocate for the Downtown small business...