A true story written and directed by Long Beach resident Luke Yankee, whose mother was a well-known, Oscar and Tony-winning character actress named Eileen Heckart. In 1956, when Heckart was cast as Marilyn Monroe’s best friend in the film, BUS STOP, Monroe, the ultimate “method actress”, set out to make Heckart her best friend in...
A Unique Nightlife show of Sparring, Spirits, Ring Girls, Dancers, and Ringside Booths with Cocktail Servers! Step into the thrilling world of Jack Rabbit's Social Club, where craft cocktails and ringside entertainment collide for an unforgettable night of fun! 🎉 Picture this: You, comfortably seated ringside, sipping on exclusive Poison Vodka and indulging in delectable treats,...
Reading becomes an active rather than a passive endeavor as the works of Sandburg, Carroll, Thurber, Twain and others come to life on stage, paying close attention to the elements...