Show ‘n Tell, in collaboration with The Garage Theatre, are excited to announce their exciting new show: It’s all a Game! This is the second installment of Show ‘n Tell’s...
Welcome to "Little Monster's Burlesque: A Lady Gaga Tribute" by Dirty Little Secrets! Step into a world where glittering neon lights illuminate the stage, setting the scene for an electrifying...
The KJLH WOMEN'S HEALTH EXPO is a FREE experience filled with fun activities, Live radio broadcasts, workshops, panel discussions, healthy food demos, dancersize, free massages, skin demos, free health screenings,...
A Special Edition Taste of Downtown Event Celebrating the Programs' 15 Year Anniversary Over 40 participating shops, restaurants and bars! Sip, Shop & Stroll: A fun day of tasting sips...
Free Mini Pottery Wheel Lessons $15 Paint-a-pot sessions 25% off multi-class series pack Handmade planters 1 for $12 or 2 for $20
We are coming out of our remodel swinging! May is packed with amazing events including some new ones (Horror Trivia!) and lots of returning favorites. And if you have stopped...
Join us at the BJK Main Library as we learn about Polynesian dance and culture presented by the Mahana Dance Company. Join us for a fun craft hour afterwards! Don’t miss out on this wonderful event! This program is for all ages. No prior registration required.
Come-in and experience the exhibit of the newest paintings by Laurence Barbera. Artists Reception will be held from 5:00PM to 9:00PM. Also, Hellada Gallery will screen an art film during the entire day. Live music performance will be delivered by the "Brown the Couscous", a popular Long Beach band. Gallery boutique will offer hundreds of...