The DLBA recognizes the importance of updating our existing City wayfinding system as we’ve long been advocates for improving pedestrian connectivity within Downtown, particularly between the Downtown Core and the Waterfront; and the East Village and Downtown Core. As such, we’ve funded the design phase of the pedestrian wayfinding system and partnered with the City to ensure new pedestrian signage is consistent with the overall Long Beach wayfinding system.
In 2017, the Downtown Long Beach Alliance (DLBA) commissioned artist Hataya Tubtim to create the first crosswalk art project in Downtown Long Beach. The goal of the project was to further support a vibrant pedestrian environment by adding a sense of delight and discovery to the public realm. Five unique designs were installed on Pine Avenue between 1st Street and 7th Street in March 2017 and were repainted in March 2022. Each design recognizes the legacy of human enterprise during the first century of Long Beach’s development while acknowledging the importance of a vibrant marine environment along our coast. Learn More >
To better serve the needs of residents and their four-legged friends, in 2013 the DLBA approved a one year pilot program to install animal waste dispensers in Downtown. Seven dispensers were placed on street light poles located throughout Downtown to help reduce animal waste on sidewalks, enhance aesthetics, and create a more positive pedestrian experience. Since then the program has expanded to 43 stations located throughout DTLB.
In December 2014 the DLBA and City of Long Beach entered into a funding agreement to replace all coin-operated meters in the Downtown area with smart meters, thus making parking in DTLB more convenient while giving the City the ability to better manage its parking assets through the collection of parking data. The DLBA was able to secure a commitment from the City to dedicate all new net revenue (generated within the first two years of the operation of the new smart parking meters) to improvements to parking infrastructure and operations in the Downtown area. The DLBA is committed to continuing to work with the City to ensure that the smart parking meters are utilized to their full potential and contribute to a positive experience for visitors to Downtown.