

The Downtown Long Beach Alliance Board of Directors approved the strategic planning document DTLB: VISION 2020 in December 2016 which builds on past strategic planning efforts of the DLBA – including the successful 2007, 2010 and 2013 strategic plans. To accomplish the goals of the plan, DLBA formed committees comprised of Board members, stakeholders, and other community members.

Programming Committees

Economic Development Committee

How can the DLBA support and retain existing businesses, attract new businesses, and foster a strong economic base in the Downtown area?
• Assist in developing retail recruitment plan
• Storefront Activation
• Provide input on ED marketing—both online and print

Placemaking Committee

How can the DLBA support and facilitate better pedestrian environments, stronger connectivity between key destinations, new mixed-use development, and other design features that will contribute to a more vital Downtown?
• Streetscape improvement projects such as tree planting, lighting, public art
• Assist with community planning and design efforts

Public Safety Committee

How can the DLBA create a vibrant, safe Downtown with active public spaces to draw new and support existing visitors and businesses?
• Develop communications campaign to address misperceptions of Public Safety
• Share information among safety agencies operating in the Downtown

Marketing & Communications Committee

How can the DLBA “tell the story” of Downtown happenings accurately and positively to promote the public image of Downtown?
• Provide input on DLBA Marketing and Communications by helping to identify channels to reach intended audiences with specific messaging
• Work to establish a new generation of advocates for Downtown

Special Events & Development

How can the DLBA encourage community involvement while both supporting local businesses and cultivating a vibrant Downtown experience for residents and visitors alike.
• Provide input on DBLA Special Events
• Review proposals for event sponsorship funding

Administrative Committees

Audit Committee

The Audit Committee meets once a year to review the end-of-year financial statements and end-of-year form 990. The Audit Committee Chair is Kristi Allen, Vice President, Hotel Operations at Ensemble Hotel Partners/Hotel Maya/DoubleTree by Hilton Carson.

Governance Committee

The DLBA Governance Committee serves as the organizational oversight committee that creates and maintain a standard of accountability throughout the organization. The Governance Committee is responsible for the ongoing development of the board and the incremental review of the infrastructure of the development of the organization. The Governance Committee conducts an annual board assessment that tracks the achievements of the board, gathers perceptions about board proceedings, and profiles the interest of each board member. The current Committee Chair is Silvano Merlo, General Manager for Courtyard Marriot.

Finance Committee

The Finance Committee meets bi-monthly on the fourth Friday of odd months to review year-to-date finances. Finance Chair is Debra Fixen, General Manager for Shoreline Village.