Nomination Information
The Spirit of Downtown Awards highlight the remarkable efforts of those who have made a lasting impact on the community! The deadline to submit nominations is 11:59 PM on Sunday, March 16, 2025. Like in years past, winners of the award will be recognized at Celebrate Downtown, an annual celebration of all that is good and makes Downtown Long Beach a place unlike any other. This year’s program will take place during the Art + Design Walk on Saturday, April 12.
Individuals may nominate people they believe qualify for the recognition or may nominate themself.
History of the Spirit of Downtown Award
The Downtown Long Beach Alliance (DTLB Alliance) Spirit of Downtown award was established in 2012 to posthumously recognize four individuals that the Long Beach community had sadly lost that year: Shaun Lumachi, founder of the Long Beach Post; Larry Allison, long-respected Editor of the Press-Telegram; Bill Baker, a famed volunteer and redevelopment master; and Mark Bixby, former DTLB Alliance Director and Long Beach bicycling guru who in large part headed the creation of the City’s massive biking infrastructure and culture. The award honors members and organizations of the Downtown Long Beach community that have demonstrated significant achievements in the past and perpetually look ahead toward a more promising future. Past winners and more information on their impact is listed below.
Previous Winners
During the Downtown Long Beach Art Walk on April 13, 2024 the Downtown Long Beach Alliance recognized some very special individuals who, with their unique skills, tireless energy, and can-do attitudes, are contributing immeasurably to the positive progress of Downtown. This was the first time Celebrate Downtown, an annual program recognizing the progress of downtown and celebrating winners of the Spirit of Downtown awards, was held during the quarterly Art Walk. Spirit of Downtown honorees in 2024 included:
- Evelyn Ayla, Founder and President of The Long Beach Walking Club
- Sinead Finnerty-Pyne (Director of Marketing and Special Projects for Studio One Eleven), Spearheading the Creation of the “DTLB Design District”
- Ron Hodges and Riley Hodges, Shannon’s Corner
- North East Village Neighborhood Association, represented by Sacha Braddock and Andrew Fiorentino
- Jim Goodin, for years of service in Ocean Residents Community Association (ORCA) and Downtown Residential Council (DRC)
The 2023 Spirit of Downtown Awards recognized the following community-leading groups and individuals:
- Beautify Pine, represented by Carole Sergy
- Debra Kahookele, longtime local resident and Downtown community advocate
- Henry Walker, Farmers & Merchants Bank
- East Village Arts District Community Watch Group, represented by Orsa Modica, Joe Harding, Nancy Downs and Julia Goto
Please note, there were no Spirt of Downtown award celebrations in 2020 and 2021 due to pandemic-related concerns. This was the first Spirit of Downtown celebration since 2019. On Thursday, March 24, 2022, the DTLB Alliance presented the Spirit of Downtown Award to the following contributors:
- Jamaica Aali, Black Everywhere
- Dr. Robert Garcia, Mayor of Long Beach
- Sheila Gibbons and Alan Giomi, Willmore Baking Company
- Robb Smith, Alley Cat Deliveries
- Downtown Runners, represented by Joaquin Nuñez
- Pedal Movement, represented by co-founders Johnny Tully, Evan Kelly, and Graham Baden
The 2019 Spirit of Downtown Awards recognized the following amazing downtown contributors:
- Isa & Josie Rached, The B Room & It’s A Drag To Give
- Al Williams, Rainbow Promotions and LB Jazz Festival
- Laurie Gray, The Pie Bar
- Aquarium of the Pacific
- Phil Appleby & Pat Paris-Appleby, East Village Arts District
The Downtown Long Beach Alliance hosted its annual Celebrate Downtown community event on Thursday, March 29, 2018, on North Promenade between 3rd and 4th Streets. The 2018 Spirit of Downtown Awards recognized the following amazing downtown contributors:
- Arts Council for Long Beach, represented by Griselda Suarez
- Dale Warner, Hamburger Mary’s
- Javier and Hilda Ortiz, Kress Market
- Studio One Eleven and RDC (Retail Design Collaborative), represented by Allan Pullman and Michael Bohn
- Summer And Music (SAM), represented by Justin Hectus, Ashley Hectus, and Rand Foster
The 2017 Spirit of Downtown Awards recognized the following amazing downtown contributors:
- Jan Robert van Dijs, JR van Dijs — Facebook Video
- The Family of Josh Fischel — Facebook Video
- The Promenade Area Residential Association (PARA) Playground Committee, represented by Kristin Dunn, Deb K and Joen Garnica — Facebook Video
2012 marked the first iteration of Celebrate Downtown and the first time the Spirit of Downtown awards were awarded.
Here is an excerpt from the Press-Telegram: “The Downtown Long Beach [Alliance] will be hosting its annual event recapping the past year’s highlights downtown with a twist this year. The Celebrate Downtown event will be a new iteration of the [DTLB Alliance’s] annual State of the Downtown. Officials said they chose to change the State of Downtown into more of a social event and mixer, as well as a platform to honor special resident contributions downtown. Celebrate Downtown will take place at…the Aquarium of the Pacific. Its theme will be Recognizing the Spirit of Our Community. Following that theme, there will be the introduction of the inaugural Spirit of Downtown Award, which officials said would honor people who embody dedication, love and fortitude of inspirational leadership.”
The Inaugural Spirit of Downtown Awards recognized posthumously recognized the following individuals:
- Larry Allison, Press Telegram’s Editorial Page Editor
- Bill Baker, Chair, Long Beach Redevelopment Agency
- Mark Bixby, Bicycling Advocate and Community Volunteer
- Shaun Lumachi, Co-Founder and Publisher, Long Beach Post