July is, appropriately, National Ice Cream Month. In honor of this venerable holiday, while we lament that the government hasn’t formally sanctioned it, we’ve decided to give away this creamy awesomeness at The Loop. For free.
Oh, and we’ll also have face painters and glitter tattoo artists come Monday, July 18, from noon to 2PM.
“The Loop, from beginning of design to its opening, has been more than just an architectural piece of art—it’s a public venue,” said Kraig Kojian, President and CEO of the Downtown Long Beach Associates. :We have always planned to activate it with programming, as we’ve done with our Live After 5 music series and as have some community members done with fitness gatherings and group lunches. This is yet another extension of how The Loop can serve the community.”
So why Choctál? Not only have they been great in reaching out to us in DTLB to offer their giveaway but they also happen to create fantastic ice cream in chocolate and vanilla only (because, in their philosophical approach to the dessert, that’s all anyone needs if the ice cream makers are using the right ingredients).
What makes their ice cream so spectacular? Single-origin cacao and vanilla beans.
If you think all chocolates and vanillas are alike, you don’t know beans. The cacao beans from Costa Rica and Kalimantan produce cocoas as different as, well, wines from Burgundy and Napa Valley. The same is true of high-quality vanillas: your taste buds can clearly tell Mexico from Madagascar.
With Choctál, you can experience four different chocolate ice creams (Ghana, Kalimantan, Costa Rican, and Dominican) and four different vanilla ice creams (Indonesian, Papua New Guinea, Madagascar, and Mexican).
And you can score them for free on Monday, July 18, from noon to 2PM at the Loop, located at the southeast corner of Pine and Ocean.