

Downtown Long Beach is a vibrant community. There is something fun for everyone. Our love of events and entertainment revolves around creating unique experiences that attract locals and visitors alike. Bookmark this calendar page and stay in touch with what’s happening in DTLB, whether that’s live music, festivals, or special events!

Are you a business looking to host an event in Long Beach? Check out this event planning page developed by our Economic Development Department!

The Great Mocktail Mixer: Join DTLB’s Dry January Mocktail Crawl

When you're mixing and mingling in Downtown with your friends and neighbors at The Great Mocktail Mixer: A Dry January Bar Crawl on Thursday, Jan. 16 from 6 to 10 PM, you'll be doing much more than starting your Dry January or even your complete abstention from...

Coming Up!

Recurring Event

Webinar Wednesdays: Declutter & Thrive - Small Business Success Strategies